Title IX Implementation
10.25.22 - Title IX Task Force Update to the President
Communication/Web Presence Subcommittee:
- Links on the home page
- Search functions
- Web page appearance
- Language
- User friendly across platforms
Policy Subcommittee:
- Updating policies students and employees
- RTP process
- Conflict resolution skills
- Unprofessional conduct
- Disciplinary actions and consequences
- Memos and sunsetting
- Personnel files held centrally
- 360 evaluation for all MPPs
- Working with unions
Prevention/Education/Training Subcommittee:
- Supplemental trainings
- Cultural competence
- Training tracks for different audiences
- Chairs/Deans College
- Courses
- Train-the-trainer
- Compliance and incentives for completion
- Communication/awareness of trainings
- Culture of training completion
- Marketing/social media campaign
- Curriculum development and badging
- Syllabus template
Process Subcommittee:
- Software systems that allow for case tracking
- Intake/triage
- Timing
- Resources
- Disciplinary actions
- Structure
Structure/Checks and Balances:
- Ambassadors/peer mentors (at the College level or shared between a few colleges)
- Case managers to shepherd cases throughout the process and provide updates/resources, follow-up on tasks
- Centralized unit and neutral space
- Risk tolerance analysis
- Toolkit of resources/supports
- Data analyst to assist with various aspects of assessment needed (e.g., campus climate survey/focus groups, identify structural issues/imbalances, evidenced practices regarding recommendations and if they are working, reports/research)
Listening Sessions:
- Student Voice (completed)
- Faculty Voice (completed)
- Staff Voice (scheduling)
- LGBTQ+ Voice (scheduling)
- Black Students, Faculty, Staff Voice (scheduling)
- Faculty of Color Voice (scheduling)
Timeline for Implementation:
Project | Projected Time |
Title IX/DHR merge | December 2022 |
New Survivor Advocate | January 2023 |
Syllabus template | Fall 2023 |
Compliance | 1 year |
Climate survey | 1 year |
Intake process | 1 year |
Comprehensive In-person trainings | 1 year |
Chairs/Deans Training | 1 year |
TS assistance with websites | 1 year |
Hiring (6 positions) | 2 years |
Policy updates | 2 years |
Title IX webinar | 2 years |
Curriculum development | 2 years |
Marketing/social media campaign | 2 years |