Title IX Implementation
Frequently Asked Questions
Fresno State’s Title IX Task Force worked in partnership with Cozen O’Connor to produce a campus-specific report of recommendations while Cozen O’Connor also worked with the Chancellor’s Office and each of the CSU’s universities to produce a systemwide report that also includes individual campus reports.
Cozen O’Connor’s recommendations complement and strengthen those put forth by our campus Title IX Task Force.
Some members of the Title IX Task Force will also participate as members on the Implementation Team. The remaining Task Force members will serve in an advisory capacity to provide feedback on the work being done by the Implementation Team.
The Title IX Implementation Team will convene to develop a plan that will advance and implement Cozen O’Connor’s recommendations. The plan will not be finite, but will undergo ongoing assessment to ensure its currency and efficacy. This work will be challenging and will require a phased implementation in light of the significant additional resources it demands.
The Implementation Teams include a member of the president's cabinet (or other high-level administrator), the Title IX Coordinator, the DHR Administrator, and one or more of each of the following: at least one staff member; at least one faculty member, including a representative of the faculty senate; and at least one student, including a member of student leadership.
We want to move forward with full transparency and will make it a priority to update the public regularly and often about the progress of the Implementation Team. This website will serve as a source of regular updates.