Title IX Implementation
2.25.22 - A message from the Title IX Office
Dear Students, Faculty and Staff:
I write today to provide a reminder in regard to Title IX resources available to our entire campus community.
To those who experienced harassment or other misconduct by Dr. Lamas, I urge you to utilize our confidential support network, including our Survivor Advocate, the counselors in the Counseling Center for students, and the Employee Assistance Program for faculty and staff. I also invite you to contact me directly at jphogan@csufresno.edu or 559.278.5357 for more information regarding individualized supportive measures, so that we may help in any way to address any remaining concerns.
Please know that Supportive Measures are available at any time, whether or not a Formal Complaint is filed. Additional information regarding the complaint and investigation process can be found within the Interim CSU Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Retaliation.
If you would like to be contacted regarding your rights and options, please visit fresnostate.edu/titleix and complete the online reporting form.
Thank you,
Jamie Pontius-Hogan
Director of Title IX and Clery Compliance