Title IX Implementation
2.18.22 - A message from the President
Dear Campus Community,
By now, you have heard the CSU Board of Trustees’ announcement that Chancellor Joseph Castro submitted his resignation, effective immediately. Thursday’s Trustees meeting addressed Chancellor Castro’s handling of sexual harassment allegations against the former Vice President of Student Affairs during Dr. Castro’s tenure at Fresno State.
For those who suffered harassment, bullying and abuse, I want you to know that I hear you and I am so sorry. You deserved better, and my commitment is to support you and our community to ensure we build the type of institution that collectively succeeds in creating a safe and respectful environment where we all can thrive.
To our entire community, I want to acknowledge the pain that we’ve collectively suffered from these actions, as well as these recent revelations. There are real and valid feelings of betrayal, mistrust and anger. I realize that our path toward the future includes making significant, meaningful institutional and systemic changes. As one of our colleagues in Student Affairs affirmed, “We will heal ourselves, and we will all actively participate in building the workplace we deserve, for ourselves.” These words offer hope for a better future.
We are already taking positive steps – we’re listening and learning from each other. We’re also in the process of creating a Title IX task force, whose charge will help to guide appropriate actions. Details of this effort, and other initiatives, will be shared shortly. The CSU Board of Trustees also announced its own comprehensive system-wide assessment of Title IX, starting at Fresno State. We are committed to actively partnering in this work while also continuing to take proactive steps as a University community to bring about cultural and institutional change.
Words alone will not heal these wounds. My intention is that my words serve as a clear commitment to you and that our actions become the bedrock for a renewal of trust for our campus community. As we work collectively to make this happen, I pledge to be a dedicated and responsive leader who will prioritize your voices to achieve a shared campus vision.
In your service,
Saúl Jiménez-Sandoval, Ph.D.