Office of the President
Feedback Concerns and Responses
Latest Responses
Feedback received November 2023 - May 2024
Posted on: 6/7/24
CONCERN: I suggest you make the RSU available for students to reserve rooms not just clubs and organizations. The library is constantly booked and has limited access for large group over 10 people. This makes it especially hard on seniors who are working on senior projects in a group.
RESPONSE: Thank you for your feedback. The Lynda and Stewart Resnick Student Union aims to serve the mission of the student unions by providing space for the wide variety of needs and interests of our students and campus community. The RSU includes many open lounge spaces which can be used for studying, group meetings, dining and more. The meeting spaces are reservable by our 300+ recognized student organizations as well as university departments. We welcome your feedback and will pass this on to our Student Union Board of Directors for further discussion.
CONCERN: I commute to campus by bicycle. The traffic circle on Chestnut/Barstow is unbelievably dangerous for cyclists. Can the university add a bike lane through that circle or provide an alternate bike path off of Chestnut that bypasses the traffic circle through the farm?
RESPONSE: The Barstow/Chestnut traffic circle is under the jurisdiction of the City of Fresno (Barstow east of Chestnut to Willow is technically a city street). We will share your concerns with our partners at the City of Fresno Planning Division. The feasibility of implementing new or an alternative bike lane will be assessed in the next campus master plan update which will also include an Active Transportation Plan.
CONCERN: It would be great for the university to add EV chargers throughout the campus. Has there been an update since the last communication in July 2023 stating we had received a grant from the SJV Air Pollution District and would have working chargers by September 2023?
RESPONSE: The upgraded EV charging infrastructure was installed and activated in February 2024. The eight charging stations are located in parking lot P2, near the corner of N Woodrow Ave and Matoian Way. We do plan to add more EV charging stations in campus parking lots when feasible. We agree we need more to support our campus community.
CONCERN: May I ask the university to consider adding a few randomly placed seating areas south of the Library (and close to P30)? I see so many students/staff/etc. waiting for rideshares, food deliveries, or to be picked up among other reasons. I thoroughly enjoy feeding the squirrels in the area and would take advantage of a spot to put my things down and enjoy the darling campus creatures.
RESPONSE: Thank you for your suggestion. At this time, there is not adequate space to add seating as this is a major pedestrian pathway including width for wheelchair access.
CONCERN: Can old pole banners be removed from campus? Even if they are not replaced anytime soon during the brand study, it is better to have no banners on our campus than outdated ones.
RESPONSE: Good news! The banners are currently being replaced, with installation scheduled to be completed this Summer.
CONCERN: As a resident in student housing, I have continually faced difficulties finding parking. This has been made near impossible due to the current P27 construction/closure. I suggest turning the parking lot in front of the health center into a resident only lot. I also believe it is necessary to calculate how many faculty stalls there are on campus compared to the number of faculty who work on campus.
RESPONSE: We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the temporary construction impacts in Parking Lot P27. There are currently no plans to change the parking area in front of the Student Health and Counseling Center. However, Parking Lot P27 is being converted to a resident-only parking lot starting in fall 2024.
CONCERN: I am part of a group of faculty who would like to create a faculty (affinity) organization. I would like to suggest some clear guidelines for applying to become a recognized organization and an organizational structure chart that reflects the division under which faculty organizations belong.
RESPONSE: Thank you for this suggestion. We will update the Campus Organizations, Faculty Affairs and Organizational Excellence web pages to make the campus policy on faculty and staff organizations easier to find for those looking to establish a new organization.
CONCERN: The transition to CSUBUY Procure-to-Pay (P2P) has been very challenging for everyone I have spoken to. I am wondering if this is a process that we have to adopt or can the campus opt out?
RESPONSE: The P2P implementation is a CSU systemwide adoption of a common procurement system. All 23 campuses will eventually be on this common platform. Fresno State was one of the first campuses along with Chico to implement CSUBUY Procure-to-Pay (P2P). CSUBUY P2P provides one streamlined automated approach and system for procurement and payment processes. It also reduces the manual touchpoints of our previous manual system and provides a standardized and simplified experience for campus users and outside vendors. Feel free to reach out to Brian Cotham in the Procurement department ( for any assistance or questions in regard to CSUBUY P2P. Our Procurement team will provide one-on-one or customized group training as needed.
CONCERN: Fresno State produces many calendars for students, staff, and faculty (academic affairs, RTP, deadlines, etc.). If, instead, the division generating each such calendar were to assign ONE PERSON to enter those events on a new Google Calendar, and then SHARE that calendar through a link to the whole campus community, we could all just SUBSCRIBE to the calendars we needed with one click and instantly get all of those events added to our own calendars.
RESPONSE: Thank you for the suggestion. We are exploring the concept of a master calendar for the campus community. If you would like to offer additional suggestions or be involved in this implementation, please contact Technology Services.
CONCERN: Staff is not able to check out technology, including adapters from Tech Lending in the Library. This service is only available to faculty and students. Is this something that can change to include staff?
RESPONSE: Thank you for inquiring about extending the Technology Lending program to staff. It is only available for faculty and students, but we can explore the possibility of including staff. Please contact Alex Durant, for further questions.